RPC : Remote Procedure Call


RPC : Remote Procedure Call

This Rpc is a Remote procedure call module. This module can implement multi-process calling services using AF_UNIX type sockets or network remote calling services using UDP protocol.

The Rpc of JSRE / EdgerOS is very powerful and is mainly used for application and system service IPC and supports the following features:

  • Request and response.
  • Subscribe and publish.
  • Duplex data streaming (Only for AF_UNIX type).

User can use the following code to import the Rpc module.

var Rpc = require('rpc');


The following shows Rpc module APIs available for each permissions.

 User ModePrivilege Mode

Rpc Server Class

new Rpc.Server(name[, errCallback[, onlyPrivilege]])

  • name {String} RPC service name. Consists of letters, numbers, and underscores, no more than 64 bytes.
  • errCallback {Function} RPC service I/O error callback. default: undefined.
  • onlyPrivilege {Boolean} Only privileged tasks to access this RPC service. default: false.
  • Returns: {Object} RPC server object.

Create an RPC server using AF_UNIX multi-process communication. Only Privileged Mode supports creating servers.


var server = new Rpc.Server('LocalServer_1');

new Rpc.Server(saddr[, errCallback[, onlyPrivilege]])

  • saddr {Object} RPC server socket address.
  • errCallback {Function} RPC service I/O error callback. default: undefined.
  • onlyPrivilege {Boolean} Only privileged tasks to access this RPC service. default: false.
  • Returns: {Object} RPC server object.

Create an RPC server using UDP protocol. Only Privileged Mode supports creating servers.


var saddr  = socket.sockaddr('', 3000);
var server = new Rpc.Server(saddr);

Rpc Server Object

The RPC server object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to add processing callbacks for different services.


Close this RPC server. this RPC server object is no longer allowed to be used after closed.

server.reply(msg, to, seq[, timeout])

  • msg {Object} Reply object.
  • to {Object} Reply target.
  • seq {Integer} Client command sequence number, must be the same as the client request message sequence number.
  • timeout {Integer} Wait timeout in milliseconds. default: undefined means wait forever.
  • Returns: {Boolean} Whether to reply message send successfully.

to object must includes:

  • addr {String} | {Object} Client address.
    Use the emitter from parameter directly.

Send a server reply to the specified client.


var server = new Rpc.Server('LocalServer_1');

server.on('command_echo', (msg, from, seq) => {
  console.log('receive command_echo', msg, from);
  server.reply({ res: 'ok', msg }, from, seq);

server.on('command_sth', (msg, from, seq) => {
  console.log('receive command_sth', msg, from);
  server.reply({ res: 'ok' }, from, seq);

server.reverse(event, msg, to[, timeout])

  • event {String} Client event that you want to trigger.
  • msg {Object} Reverse message object.
  • to {Object} Reverse target.
  • timeout {Integer} Wait timeout in milliseconds. default: undefined means wait forever.
  • Returns: {Boolean} Whether to reply message send successfully.

to object must includes:

  • addr {String} | {Object} Client address.
    Use the from parameter directly.

Send a server asynchronous reverse message to the specified client.

server.createReadStream(clientPid[, alive])

  • clientPid {Integer} Specify the allowed client process ID.
  • alive {Integer} Maximum idle time (ms). default: 30000.
  • Returns: {ReadStream} Readable stream object.

Create a temporary ReadStream object to receive the data sent by the client. For more information about ReadStream, please refer to: stream.

alive is the time to wait for the client WriteStream to connect. If the client is not connected within this time interval, this ReadStream will generate a 'Peer timeout!' error. The minimum time interval is: 1000.


var server = new Rpc.Server('LocalServer_1');

server.on('to_server', (msg, from, seq) => {
  var r = server.createReadStream(from.pid);
  var f = fs.createWriteStream('./save.txt');
  r.on('error', function(error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);
  f.on('finish', function() {
    console.log('File save ok!');
  server.reply({ res: 'ok', id: r.id }, from, seq);

server.createWriteStream(rid[, async])

  • rid {String} Peer ReadStream id.
  • async {Boolean} Whether to use pure asynchronous mode, which is less efficient, but fair to other events. default: true.
  • Returns: {WriteStream} Writable stream object.

Create a temporary WriteStream object to send the data to client. For more information about WriteStream, please refer to: stream.


var server = new Rpc.Server('LocalServer_1');

server.on('to_client', (msg, from, seq) => {
  var s = server.createWriteStream(msg.id);
  var f = fs.createReadStream('./save.txt');
  s.on('error', function(error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);
  s.on('finish', function() {
    console.log('File send ok!');
  f.on('error', function(error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);
  server.reply({ res: 'ok' }, from, seq);

Rpc Server Events

The RPC server object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to add processing callbacks for different services.

Client Command

  • msg {Object} Client message.
  • from {Object} Client information.
  • seq {Integer} Client command sequence number.

from object includes:

  • addr {String} | {Object} Client address.
  • pid {Integer} Client process ID.
  • perm {Integer} Client permission.
  • appid {Integer} EdgerOS App ID (negative means not EdgerOS App).
  • service {Boolean} Whether client is a service.
  • signature {Boolean} Whether has a signature.


server.on('command_echo', (msg, from, seq) => {
  console.log('receive command_echo', msg, from);
  server.reply({ res: 'ok', msg }, from, seq);

Rpc Client Class

new Rpc.Client(name[, errCallback])

  • name {String} RPC service name. Consists of letters, numbers, and underscores, no more than 64 bytes.
  • errCallback {Function} LPC client I/O error callback. default: undefined.
  • Returns: {Object} RPC client object.

Create an RPC client using AF_UNIX multi-process communication.


var client = new Rpc.Client('LocalServer_1');

new Rpc.Client(saddr[, errCallback])

  • saddr {Object} RPC server socket address.
  • errCallback {Function} LPC client I/O error callback. default: undefined.
  • Returns: {Object} RPC client object.

Create an RPC client using UDP protocol.


var saddr  = socket.sockaddr('', 3000);
var client = new Rpc.Client(saddr);

Rpc Client Object

The RPC client object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to listen server reverse events.


Close the RPC client, this RPC client object is no longer allowed to be used after closed.

client.call(event, msg[, callback[, timeout]])

  • event {String} Server event that you want to trigger.
  • msg {Object} Call command message.
  • callback {Function} Server reply callback function.
    • reply {Object} Server reply message. undefined indicates that the server response was not received within the specified timeout.
  • timeout {Integer} Wait timeout in milliseconds. default: 60000.
  • Returns: {Boolean} Whether to reply message send successfully.

Send a call request to the server, this function immediately returns after the request is successfully sent. The callback function is called until the server responds or times out.


var client = new Rpc.Client('LocalServer_1');

client.call('command_echo', { foo: 'foo' }, (reply) => {
  console.log('Server reply:', reply);

client.callSync(event, msg[, timeout])

  • event {String} Server event that you want to trigger.
  • msg {Object} Call command message.
  • timeout {Integer} Wait timeout in milliseconds. default: 60000.
  • Returns: {Object} Server response message.

Send a call request to the server and wait for server reply. If there is no response within the time specified by timeout, return undefined.


var client = new Rpc.Client('LocalServer_1');

var reply = client.callSync('command_echo', { foo: 'foo' });
if (reply) {
  console.log('Server reply:', reply.msg);

client.fetch(event, msg[, timeout])

  • event {String} Server event that you want to trigger.
  • msg {Object} Call command message.
  • timeout {Integer} Wait timeout in milliseconds. default: 60000.
  • Returns: {Promise} Promise object.

Send a call request to the server, this function is asynchronous requests and return a Promise object.


var client = new Rpc.Client('LocalServer_1');

async function echo() {
  var reply = await client.fetch('command_echo', { foo: 'bar' });


  • alive {Integer} Maximum idle time (ms). default: 30000.
  • Returns: {ReadStream} Readable stream object.

Create a temporary ReadStream object to receive the data sent by the server. For more information about ReadStream, please refer to: stream.

alive is the time to wait for the client WriteStream to connect. If the server is not connected within this time interval, this ReadStream will generate a 'Peer timeout!' error. The minimum time interval is: 1000.


var client = new Rpc.Client('LocalServer_1');

var r = client.createReadStream();

client.call('to_client', { id: r.id }, function(reply) {
  if (reply && reply.res === 'ok') {
    var f = fs.createWriteStream('./xxx.txt');
    r.on('error', function(error) {
      console.error('Error:', error.message);
    f.on('finish', function() {
      console.log('File save ok!');

client.createWriteStream(rid[, async])

  • rid {String} Peer ReadStream id.
  • async {Boolean} Whether to use pure asynchronous mode, which is less efficient, but fair to other events. default: true.
  • Returns: {WriteStream} Writable stream object.

Create a temporary WriteStream object to send the data to server. For more information about WriteStream, please refer to: stream.


var client = new Rpc.Client('LocalServer_1');

client.call('to_server', {}, function(reply) {
  if (reply && reply.res === 'ok') {
    var s = client.createWriteStream(reply.id);
    var f = fs.createReadStream('./xxx.txt');
    s.on('error', function(error) {
    s.on('finish', function() {
      console.log('File send ok!');

Rpc Quota


  • {Integer}

The maximum length of an RPC single message, usually 16 KBytes.


Here is a typical example of RPC.

  • Server
var Rpc = require('rpc');
var iosched = require('iosched');

var server = new Rpc.Server('RemoteProxy');

server.on('dev_on', (msg, from, seq) => {
  server.reply({ res: 'ok' }, from, seq);

server.on('dev_off', (msg, from, seq) => {
  server.reply({ res: 'ok' }, from, seq);

  • Client
var Rpc = require('rpc');
var iosched = require('iosched');

var client = new Rpc.Client('RemoteProxy');
var state = 0;

setInterval(function() {
  if (state) {
    state = 0;
    client.call('dev_off', { dev: 0 }, (reply) => {
      console.log('dev_off:', reply);

  } else {
    state = 1;
    client.call('dev_on', { dev: 0 }, (reply) => {
      console.log('dev_on:', reply);
}, 1000);
